I've been a little hesitant to throw out the Happy New Year greeting this year, given the crisis our country is experiencing right now. I imagine you're all feeling much the same as me... shocked at what is happening and wanting to help in some way.
It makes me proud to be an Australian, when I see so many rallying to help others. It's what we do.
I was a kid living in Darwin with my parents in 1974 when Cyclone Tracy wiped out our entire city that one fateful night. My Mum, sister and I had to be evacuated in the days that followed as my Dad stayed on to help with the clean up. The rest of Australia responded to help with that clean up and recovery which took many years. I've no doubt we will do the same for all of these drought and fire affected communities and with the technology we have at our fingertips today, we're already moving mountains (so to speak) and it is heartening to watch.
So... with that in mind, and with your support, I'd like to keep an eye on things over the coming months and identify a constructive way that Divas on the Green 2020 can help a community or family that is struggling, or a service or charity that needs either financial assistance or donations of specific items. I'm keen to not get caught up in responding to immediate needs, as this is being covered by millions of generous Aussies right now. I'd like to look closer to home, in our local region and use our collaborative force to help in some way. I'll keep you all posted on developments.
But for now, it's business as usual in raising much needed funds for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service and the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation as we celebrate TEN years of quaffing champagne, dressing up and hacking our way around Merewether Golf Course!
I am officially on the hunt for sponsors NOW, to get this show on the road!
With limited Gold sponsorships available (5 only) you'd best get moving and claim your hole pronto if you're thinking about it!
Silver sponsorships are unlimited, so plenty of those up for grabs.
I'm also looking for a champagne sponsor again this year so if you know any fabulous wineries that might like to donate champage for the lunch, I would LOVE to have a chat with them!
You can check out the different sponsorship opportunities below, or you might want to consider donating a prize. Either way, your contribution will be very much appreciated by the two charities the day supports.
Here's what you can do if you're keen to get involved.
Sponsoring a hole
Gold Sponsorship - $1,000.00 (only five available)
An opportunity to “man your hole” in any fashion you desire – the more fun, the better.
Logo and acknowledgement on all event collateral, including invitations, media releases, flyers, Divas on the Green website (including hyperlinked logo back to your own website) and acknowledgement on the Divas Facebook page in the lead up to the event, on the day and post event.
Signage on the course and in the clubhouse on the day.
An opportunity to supply product samples and/or flyers for the take-home bags for all participants.
Exposure to an audience of over 150 professional female participants at the event, plus associated networks throughout the promotional campaign.
2 x player registration.
Silver Sponsorship - $700.00
Logo and acknowledgement on all event collateral, including invitations, media releases, flyers, Divas on the Green website (including hyperlinked logo back to your own website) and acknowledgement on the Divas Facebook page in the lead up to the event, on the day and post event.
Signage on the course and in the clubhouse on the day.
An opportunity to supply product samples and/or flyers for the take-home bags for all participants.
Exposure to an audience of over 150 professional female participants at the event, plus associated networks throughout the promotional campaign.
2 x player registration.
Donating prizes, gifts or samples (for lucky door prize, raffle, take home bags and novelty hole winners)
Donators of gifts and prizes will receive:
Acknowledgement on Divas on the Green website and Facebook page.
Verbal acknowledgement on the day.
Exposure to an audience of over 150 professional female participants and businesses involved.
Just want to play?
You’ll receive the following for your registration fee of $90.00:
Champagne on arrival with plenty of time to network.
Lunch with several guest speakers this year.
A guaranteed fun filled couple of hours out on the green.
Prizes for winners of novelty holes.
Fun activities and offers at sponsors' holes.
Hilarious fun with Timberlina on the 16th.
WRHS crewmen and/or our famous ‘cart tarts’ available for tips on how to play (this may require a small donation!)
Presentation / lucky door and raffle prize draws.
Fat goodie bags to take home!
Tickets will be on sale soon, so keep an eye on the Facebook page.
Shoot me an email if you're interested in sponsoring, or pass this email onto any business you think might be keen!
Lock the date in your calendar - Friday 8th May 2020.