It's another wrap on another fabulous event and gee... wasn't it a big one!
I think I have recovered from that crazy energy exchange last Friday... well, enough to get this rather long message of thanks out in the universe and celebrate all of the wonderful outcomes from the day.
Despite me not finding a sponsor for the marquee this year, I am so pleased to announce that we still managed to raise $34,700.00 to split between both charities, bringing the grand fundraising tally for this single event over the past 14 years to $260,840.00! What a community. I'm pretty chuffed about that.
The marquee continues to be a wonderful addition to the event, it really does make it a special experience for you all, to be out there on the green. It's become an institution in itself.
However, I'm currently between a rock and a hard place about what to do next year. I'll need to lock something in now, if I am to hold the event at Merewether Golf Club again in 2025. It's as simple as that really. This event takes months to organise, and I need to know where we'll physically be, before I even start planning the next one. I totally get it though, times are tough... but there ARE large organisations out there who would jump at the chance to throw a sneaky $13k at this community event that supports TWO amazing LOCAL charities. So hey... if you know anyone.. send 'em my way.
Enough about that now, as I have many people to thank for their contributions to this year's event.
I would like to start by thanking my guest speakers - my beautiful friends Sarah Skillen and Brett Bennett who shared their touching (and somewhat hilarious) story about their breast cancer journey and the PBW movement! If you weren't there... you'll need to ask someone who was, for a recap, it was a cracker! Thanks to Josh Lawlor from the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation for enlightening the crowd on the services of the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation and last but not least, huge thanks to everyone's favourite 'stripper' Kris Larkin from the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service for educating the room about this much valued and respected service.
Thank you so much, to my Gold, Silver and In-Kind Sponsors! Some of you return year after year and there are always new kids on the block, much gratitude to you all.
·Salt Property - Lyndall Allan
·Hey Soul Sista Podcast - Mel Histon
·The Grain Store - Kristy Crooks
·Rippit Golf - Mark Forster
·Kurrajong Kitchen Lavosh - Karen Lebsanf
·Maroba Caring Communities
·Cooks Hill Parkside Apartment
·SD Strategies
·Tilly's Play & Development Centre
·The Commercial Collective
·GPT Group (Charlestown Square)
·Engineroom Design Co
·Timberlina, Abork & Foxxe Faux
·Nell Dark-Jones Celebrant
·Margaret Godfrey
·The Kind Agent
·Lee Illfield Photography
·AJM Photography
·LJ Hooker Dudley
·EAO Entertainment
·Lyndall Talbot
·Baker Bren
Huge thanks to Bec and the team at Engineroom Design for all your support with the marketing collateral again this year. You've been supporting me forever and you go above and beyond every year to help me with all that stuff and I cannot thank you enough.
Special thanks to Timberlina, for once again bringing along her fabulous energy and friends Abork and Foxxe Faux, and for providing such a wonderful vibe and entertainment. The day would not be the same without you. I love you all dearly.
Didn't our roving musician Li Laurent, rock it out there on the green!?? Thanks to Lisa and the team at EAO Entertainment who bring the music vibe every year!
Once again big thanks to Margaret Godfrey for supplying the lovely Peterson House champagne on arrival! She knows how to get the party started!
Thank you Divas for supporting Baker Bren's Candy Bar. You spent $700.00! Thanks Brendan for whipping up those delicious sweet treats and to all you sweet tooths out there for devouring them! You also spent another $800.00 on HBCF merch! Go Divas!
Our amazing hard working photographers Lee Illfield and Andrew from AJM Photography ABSOLUTELY ROCK! How good are all the photos!! Thank you both for all of your efforts. Those beautiful, colourful, fun images are all loaded up on the Facebook page now.
There would not be any goodie bags to put all those goodies in, if it wasn't for the in-kind sponsorship of Emily from The Kind Agent! Thanks Em.
OK now how about a round of applause for the winner of the Biggest Diva Award, the Captain of Diva Airways (aka Amanda Orr) who blew us away with that spectacular performance all day! What a class act! Thanks to Lyndall Talbot for donating that luxurious prize pack once again. It was beautiful!
Thank you to Tracy and her fabulous team from Feast Catering, for that amaaaazing spread! It was absolutely delicious. I'm still thinking about that sweet potato...I know it's hard to feed so many people with limited space in such a chaotic environment, but the waiting in line was totally worth it! Gonna fix that pesky line issue next year though...
Thank you to the awesome team at Scion for managing the stage, sound and lighting as always. I think I need a loud hailer next year to get through the raffle at the end of the day though! You Divas are a tough crowd to be heard over!
Further acknowledgement for the huge generosity of our auction prize donors (listed below) and winners for helping to raise a cool $23,850.00 in that auction frenzy alone whipped up by Tegan O'Doherty! Thanks Tegan, love your work! Although I think you needed to borrow the Salty Sisters' loud hailer too, given you were inadvertently part of the yabbadabbadoo movement!
Let it be known that I made the decision to have more prizes than usual, given that I was behind in the fundraising from the outset without that darn marquee sponsor. It did take longer than usual but a HUGE shout out to ALL of you who made it happen and for flashing the cash on those prizes! It really made a difference.
·Rundle Tailoring
·Hunter Coastal & Lifestyle Magazine
·Newcastle Weekly
·St Martins of Tasmania
·Beaute & Be
·Rippit Golf
·Joey David Designs
·Mercer Wines
·Pearl Davies Photography
·Caryn & Steve Upton
·Anne Kempton
·Christine Jenner
·Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service
·Vicki Woodbury
·Women Embrace Adventure
·Kerri-Ann Hooper
Big love to Josh and Monica and the lovely HBCF volunteers, Michelle from the WRHS and her band of helpers and Mel Burgess for their support and assistance on the day and my goodie bag packing helpers last Thursday, Jan, Deb, Nell, Kerri-Ann, Amy, Kate, Cassie, Emily, Margaret, Fiona and Danielle! There were a LOT of bags this year. I must also acknowledge Brett (guest speaker!) for helping me cart all the stuff for the bags from my house to the clubhouse..
Also thanks to MGC Manager Adam, Pro Shop Pete, Brian and all the bar staff at Merewether Golf Club for being ever so helpful and accommodating which is so important in making the day run smoothly.
Finally, I'd like to give another big shout-out to all of the fantastic prize and product donators (listed below). The Lucky Dip donated by Natasha at Beaute and Be raised $500.00 and the the monster raffle raised $8,135.00 and the prize pool and goodie bags wouldn't have been possible without you all!
Watch this space...I'll need to secure a marquee sponsor before deciding where next year's event will be, but I'll be aiming for a Friday in May in any case.
I'm also putting it out there to you all for ideas on what next year's theme should be... Diva Las Vegas has been mentioned... (thanks Danielle!) but I might cast the net on your thoughts and see what comes back before making a final decision!
If I have forgotten to mention anyone, I am truly sorry (I'm only human), but to each and every single one of you who supported the event this year (and many years previously) your contributions are always very much appreciated. Couldn't do it without you all, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. We are a community.
Until next time!